Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Episode 13: Goodbye Tomorrow
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Jon barrels into LmaHmPod’s woodsy-cabin this week with our first firm foray into off-world oddities, Goodbye Tomorrow. An upbeat number about a sort of apocalypse. Sort of. It is a pitch for a horror movie after all. Act 1 sees, amongst others, some chunky feedback from JDubz, including some ‘far-seeing’ with feedback on today’s as yet unheard pitch! Act 2 as always rattles through the things we enjoyed that we stare at with our eyes, and there’s a snifter of an Act 4 given that Jon already pre-named his pitch. Tsk. Oh and Jon's new name is '3DK'.
Act 1 – 4:20m – Listener updates to ‘Down The Mountain’ &, weirdly, ‘Goodbye Tomorrow’
Act 2 – 21:22m – This week’s horrorishy cultural highlights
Act 3 – 25:55m – Horror Pitch: Goodbye Tomorrow
Act 4 – 46:55m – Pitch Post-mortem
As ever, contributions & input welcomed – find as at letsmakeahorrormovie@gmail.com or Twitter @LMAHMpod, Instagram, Telegram, Binary Phone, Home visit etc.