
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Episode 26: '1BR' Interview - LMAHMpod Meets...
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
It’s a special episode of LMAHMpod where Dave & Jon meet Producer - Alok Mishra, and Emmy nominated Actress - Naomi Grossman, of Horror/Thriller ‘1BR’ (Apartment 1BR). Hear about the nightmarish mishaps that happened on the road to production as well as the movie’s origins, funding & distribution, Covid & VOD, future projects and advice for getting your idea to screen.
It’s a great movie, give it a watch and give this a listen - contains spoilers!
Start – 05:36m – 1BR interview with Alok Mishra, Producer, and Actress Naomi Grossman
Act 4 – 60:00m – Cheers & see you next Ep (+ pronunciation reminiscences)!
Don’t forget to check out letsmakeahorrormovie.com, and you can email us at letsmakeahorrormovie@gmail.com, Tweet us @LMAHMPOD, find us on Instagram or just shout as loud as you can in our general direction. Our alchemists have discovered a contraption that, we believe, will allow us to hear said screams..